Have you ever sat in a park for hours on end, or in a café’ just staring at people having conversation after conversation? Well….. I have….. I do it all the time and to be honest, I quite enjoy it. Reason being, there is Psychology everywhere, all around us it peaks its head in every corner. Basically, everywhere you have human beings you will also find Psychology.

Sometimes my students ask the famous old question, ‘How does this study help us in life? For example, how does studying whether someone will shock an innocent person based on orders by a man in a lab coat help me. If you look at things at face value, then probably you have no concrete or meaningful answer. However, with depth of understanding you appreciate the invaluable benefit of these studies. The above illustration is Milgram’s study and it helps us understand the power an authority figure has on his followers to the extent of making them harm another innocent persons. This gives us perspective on cult behaviour and the influence that people like Jim Jones had on his followers. It also gives better perspective on the power that Hitler had on the Nazi soldiers. I tell my students that in essence understanding these dynamics can be a matter of life and death. This knowledge can help us save lives in the future.  

So……. Welcome to the Psychologyworm blog, in this platform I help bridge the theory learnt in class with every day application to life. I try to show you how Psychology is seen in our everyday life experiences through my eyes and my voice. So hopefully you will enjoy. For now, Bye! And see you in the first blog.

Ms. T

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